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Virtual Workouts in the Commercial Markets

December 15, 2019

Personal training is always evolving, and a recent survey indicates that in-person personal training is declining. On the other hand, virtual training is rising rapidly. In fact, by the year 2022, the virtual fitness market is expected to reach $329 billion.

Virtual fitness is a blend of exercise with technology, and these workouts are just the same workouts that you know or love. However, they are designed for convenience to suit your schedule. Typically, these workouts are played on big screens in the gym. Some clubs have prescheduled these workouts, which enable members to engage in these activities whenever they want.

In the 90’s the fitness industry mainly involved one-on-one personal training, mainly because it meant that you were an important person. However, just like all other trends, this fitness trend changed. Over the last decade, there has been a boom in the fitness industry. Today, there are new technologies, fitness apps, and disruptive services, which can be customized to fit the commercial markets. Therefore, members can do the same workouts they enjoy at the club. Additionally, they can get access to classes that they cannot find online. The live-streamed classes allow them to interact with others.

The Future of Virtual Fitness

The Trip

This is an immersive workout that combines a cycling workout and a journey through a digitally-created world. This creates a cinema-like experience. Trip helps motivate and take the energy output to the next level.

This workout enables the commercial market to provide consumers with something unique and memorable. Additionally, most millennials and Gen Z members are always looking for such experiences in the club, not just working out. The Trip can also help members new to fitness to see results much faster without feeling like they’re overexerting their bodies.


This is a 30-minutes workout using an indoor bike. This high-intensity workout is an effective way for club members to workout and see results. Each sprint workout uses the latest music and fitness training techniques to push members to workout hard. It also combines bursts of intensity with short breaks to rest and prepare for the next effort.

Spending 30 minutes doing a sprint workout will drive the body to burn calories. While it’s a challenging workout, it pays off eventually. This type of workout is ideal for those who enjoy RPM but seek a new challenge.


This world-leading cardio cycle workout simulates climbs and sprints to improve cardio fitness and also burn calories. In fact, this workout can burn nearly 700 calories in a session. There’s great music to pump the members, and they can spin as one. This helps one to reach their cardio peak and keep pace with the pack.

Bottom Line

There’s enough proof that the sensory experience brought along by modern technology can help. Through modern technology, commercial markets can deliver a world-class experience regardless of whether the client is in person.

For more information on virtual workouts in the your commercial facility contact Opti-fit.