The Value of a Recreation Center

As community needs to continue to grow and expand, so do the programs and services offered by local park and recreation agencies. While traditionally these agencies have brought a focus of fitness and fun to their local community members of all ages, now many also include healthy living classes, computer and internet availability, and older adult transportation, just to name a few.

  • Positive Impact on Community Youth
  • Provide an Opportunity for Education
  • Promote an Active and Healthy Community
  • Property Values
Great Park Ice
Great Park Ice

City of Rohnert Park Sport Portfolio
City of Rohnert Park Sports & Fitness Center
City of Rohnert Park Sports & Fitness Center

More than half of all Americans agree that recreation centers should offer healthy living classes
Nearly half of all Americans agree older adult programming should be offered at recreation centers
42 percent of baby boomers support recreation centers providing health clinic services.

Recreation and Parks

Recreation and Parks lead the nation in improving the overall health and wellness of communities. We are essential partners in combating some of the most complicated and expensive challenges our country faces – poor nutrition, hunger, obesity, and physical inactivity.

Enhanced The Live Of Kids

A vibrant community recreation center can have a stabilizing effect on the lives of young people. By providing safe and adequately equipped spaces for fitness center equipment, dance, martial arts, yoga, basketball, and other sports, community centers instill discipline, healthy exercise habits, and teamwork.