Just 10 years ago, the gym at an apartment complex consisted of free weights and a treadmill. The industry is changing to meet the needs of potential renters and that means bigger and better fitness centers with even more perks.
The New Fitness Centers
Today’s potential renter demands a better standard of living that includes connectivity and flexibility. Millennials, which are the bread and butter of rental communities, are looking for complexes that offer resort-like fitness amenities. They are non-traditional and tech-savvy and driven by engagement. To accommodate them, what was once a closet with some free weights is now the onsite fitness center. The fitness center is a large space with training areas with both cardio and strength equipment. There may be a seperate space for everything from fitness classes to yoga to meditation. As multi-family complexes have to compete more and more, they are finding ways to engage potential renters and a functional fitness center gives them an edge.
The Demand for High Tech
Many fitness centers focus on integrating technology into the fitness environment because of modern renters:
- Wear fitness devices and use fitness apps twice as much as any other age group.
- Are multi-taskers looking to check-in on social media and read emails while they exercise.
- Are glued to their mobile devices.
Adding high tech features takes fitness centers up a notch but what’s next?
The Wellness Center
The next step in multi-family housing is the wellness center. A survey conducted by the National Multifamily Housing Council found that 40 percent of respondents didn’t use the onsite fitness center because they wanted to work with a trainer. Management companies can look to bring in concierge trainers who are there on demand for residents. Respondents in the survey stated they also wanted virtual/on-demand classes and classes with instructors like yoga and high-intensity training. Wellness centers are not fitness centers, though. They move beyond exercise to wellness amenities:
- Cooking classes
- Nutrition training
- Massages
- Indoor gardens
- Poolside saunas
- Steam rooms
- Green walls
- Quiet meditation spaces
Related Midwest’s One Bennet Park tower in Chicago features:
- A meditation room
- An indoor salt pool
- A spa suite
- A landscaped recreation deck
The real estate industry is taking wellness by the horns to create luxury amenities for renters to the tune of 134 billion dollars. It’s not just a gym anymore. Today, multi-family rental communities are integrating wellness into their fitness centers to stay competitive.
For more information on multi-family fitness centers contact Opti-fit, 888-601-4350
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