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The Art & Design of Multi-Family Fitness Centers

November 13, 2017

Seems like having a fitness center at your fingertips is very good for the real estate business. In a recent home report in The New York Times, housing trends show that multi-family residents across multiple generations are willing to trade-in unit square footage for added space in common areas, on-site workout facilities, and for pools.

Customized multi-family fitness centers must reflect the style and philosophy of the day in order to  attract today’s modern family members, and this may include spaces for socializing, lots of natural light or solar panels, and instant Wi-Fi connectivity.

Every fitness and wellness space is slightly different, of course, and so we always take into consideration different configurations – and work closely with our clients to deliver the optimal fitness experience. We design your space while partnering with your architects, interior designer and contractors to fully optimize your fitness amenities and breath-taking design elements.

Multi-family Fitness Center with bikes and strength equipment
Multi-family Fitness Center


Multi-Family Fitness Centers Require Light and Space

At Opti-Fit, our specialized software process may provide realistic renderings of your facility while bringing a strong sense of detail and accuracy to a multi-family wellness space.

As your potential tenants tour places to live, knowing their family will take advantage of the fitness center, here are several things to be on the lookout for when designing a new multi-family fitness center:

Whether renting or buying, today’s savvy multi-family residents are looking for amenities that go beyond the front lobby, shared common area and outside spaces. They want a fantastic fitness center and excellent equipment maintenance, too.

TRX straps outside withe matrix bikes
Matrix Cycling Bikes

Equip your modern multi-family fitness center with new fitness equipment, and pay nothing until 2018. Contact Opti-Fit at sales@opti-fit.com or call 888-601-4350